King Louis Xiv Gambling


Louis XIV, byname Louis the Great, Louis the Grand Monarch, or the Sun King, French Louis le Grand, Louis le Grand Monarque, or le Roi Soleil, (born September 5, 1638, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France—died September 1, 1715, Versailles, France), king of France (1643–1715) who ruled his country, principally from his great palace at Versailles, during one of its most brilliant periods and who. Few monarchs have ruled for longer. Born in 1638, Louis XIV became king at age 4 following the death of his father, Louis XIII, and remained on the throne for the next 72 years. Basset was a polite game, but King Louis XIV outlawed it back in 1691. It was during the reign of King Louis XIV that Faro was first mentioned. It first appeared in Southwestern France under the name “Pharaon” only a couple of years after basset had been outlawed. Fast forward a couple of years later, and Faro was outlawed as well. Add to this a varied history which includes being owned by King Louis XIV, stolen during the French Revolution, sold to earn money for gambling, worn to raise money for charity, and then finally donated to the Smithsonian Institution. The Hope diamond is truly unique. Is there really a curse? Where has the Hope diamond been?

In late 2020, rumors once again circled the internet about the womanizing 17th-century ruler of France King Louis XIV who was thought to have had a fetish for watching women give birth.

In these last chapters, there was a long section about Marie Antoinette and her husband, King Louis XIV of France. I know that the French people hated her because she was associated with the Austrian royal family, which was France’s greatest rival at the time. I also know that she was a very avid spender of the French government’s money. If she wanted something, she would receive it.

In this first article, it explains that because a lot of the French people hated Marie Antoinette, it was a sort of fashion to blame her for bed things and make jokes at her expense. Her overspending greatly displeased the people of France, because Louis couldn’t do as much to help the country without as much money. It also mentions that Antoinette was decapitated on false charges at the guillotine later in the same year her husband, the King, had been executed at the guillotine.

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King Louis Xiv Gambling Advice


This next article really opened my eyes to another side of the hated Queen. It spoke of how she had very high moral standards. She wouldn’t let people say racy remarks or things like that because she had a kind side. She was also very attentive when she was given responsibility to care after something. She had to babysit some young women from time to time and the article says she was very caring and attentive.

King Louis Xiv Gambling Laws


King Louis Xiv Gambling Rules

The final article begins by explaining that when Louis XIV first married Marie Antoinette, she was not a problem, and she had no purpose other then making children to carry on Louis’ legacy. When the French people started to dislike Louis, and Marie Antoinette still hadn’t had a child, Louis started to seem to lose interest in the government and his people. That was when Marie started being more social by going to the Opera House or going out late to party around Versailles. The more she partied the more the rumors began to be created and spread.

King Louis Xiv Gambling Table

So I’ve learned a lot about Marie Antoinette from these articles.I learned that she was killed at the guillotine, that she wasn’t really a bad person, she just liked to party, and I learned how and why the rumors started.