Lucky Gambling Days And Numbers For Taurus

Sagittarius and Leo were the luckiest signs of the zodiac for most of 2019 - and not all that lucky for Taurus. But the tide has turned for Taurus in 2020 until December 19, 2020 while Jupiter is in Capricorn. This will not only be very lucky for Taurus, but even more so if your natal Venus is in Pisces or Taurus, as many of you have. Pisces lucky days and numbers to gamble: 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 25, 30. Horoscope games: Poker and blackjack. So our gambling horoscope 2020 will help you to understand if today is your lucky day or not and which game you better choose.

TAURUS my lucky Numbers Horoscope Analysis for December 2020. Find your Lucky Number based on Astrology.
Find your lucky numbers and unlucky numbers according to your sign. Lucky numbers based on birthday.
Here you can find your Daily Lucky Numbers Taurus for Today and Tomorrow.
The LUCKIEST Taurus for December 2020 was born on May 4 - May 9
TAURUS Daily Lucky numbers for December 2020 are:
December 2: 9 1 27 (28) (10)
December 4: 2 3 29 (30) (11)
December 6: 4 5 22 (23)

December 7: 5 6 23 (24)
December 8: 6 7 24 (25)
December 10: 8 9 26 (27)
December 12: 1 2 28 (29) (10) (11)
December 14: 3 4 30 (31)
December 16: 5 6 23 (24)
December 18: 7 8 25 (26)
December 20: 9 1 27 (28) (10)
December 22: 2 3 29 (30) (11)
December 24: 4 5 22 (23)
December 26: 6 7 24 (25)
December 28: 8 9 26 (27)
December 30: 1 2 28 (29) (10) (11)

Taurus Lucky Gambling Days

The Personal Lucky numbers for Taurus are: 5, 23, 30
Whatever you want to achieve at this time you will. However, your successes now are equivalent to the efforts you put in. A problem is that you may be inclined to just kick back and enjoy the feeling of contentment associated with this transit.
Do not expect permanency in love from this transit. Instead, keep yourself at the moment and enjoy it for what it most likely is - an attraction of short duration.
Aside from relationship matters, this combination is a boon to artistically creative people searching for new and original ideas and expressions.

Lucky Gambling Days And Numbers For Taurus Compatible

Numbers that are placed within brackets are only important if another number - not within brackets and on the same line - can be reduced to the same single digit.

Lucky Gambling Days And Numbers For Taurus 692