Stop Gambling Affirmations

  1. Help To Stop Gambling
  2. Stop Gambling Affirmations For Men
  3. Stop Gambling Affirmations On Relationships

With the Stop Gambling subliminal session, you'll tap into your inner reserves of unshakable willpower! As you listen, thousands of potent positive affirmations will influence your thinking, helping you regain your self-control. The affirmations linked from this page are very important, they could even be the difference between life and death. If you are serious about overcoming your addiction and use these positive affirmations every day then they really can help you to transform your life. They can stop you from using, lessen your cravings, and strengthen your willpower.

If you want clear healthy skin, then these are your positive affirmations. They have been written to help you clear acne, heal the skin, and allow your true beauty to shine through.

Positive Thinking can have positive effects on the body. When the mind is functioning harmoniously and the right vibes and patterns are being generated, it’s amazing what an impact this can have one’s physiology. A complete mental shift from negative to positive, or from stressed to relaxed, can create a subtle yet significant shift in the functioning biology of a human being. It’s not necessarily anything mystical or supernatural, it’s just the biological connection that the mind has to the rest of the body.

These positive affirmations will help you reprogram your thinking in a positive manner, send healing messages, build good habits for taking care of your skin.

Stop gambling affirmations on youtube

The sooner you get started the better, we’ve provided 3 categories of affirmations for you to select from, and remember – consistency is key!

Present Tense Affirmations
My skin is clear
My skin is healthy
I am healing my acne
I always take proper care of my skin
I eat healthy food that is good for my skin
I am gentle with my skin
I direct blood flow and nutrition to my face
I always wash my face at the end of each day
My skin is beautiful
Others admire my clear skin
Future Tense Affirmations
I will clear my acne
I will make healthy choices that help to clear my acne
My acne is starting to clear up
My skin is beginning to look smoother
I am noticing that my skin is feeling healthier
I am developing healthy skin habits and routines
I will wash my face regularly
I will take great care of my skin
Others are starting to notice my beautiful complexion
I am transforming into someone with perfectly clear skin
Stop Gambling Affirmations
Natural Affirmations
I can clear my acne
My skin is naturally clear
I have naturally healthy skin
I enjoy taking proper care of my skin
Clearing acne is easy
Beautiful skin is my natural right
A life free from acne can be achieved
I have total dedication to clearing my acne
I can direct positive healing vibes to my skin
Clearing my acne will be a massive improvement to my life


Boundaries - Protect Your Reality

People who grow up in dysfunctional family systems have difficulty setting boundaries to take care of themselves. Setting a boundary means that I respect myself and I will protect myself from inappropriate behavior.

People do not grow up believing that it is OK for others to abuse them...but when we do not set boundaries we allow inappropriate behavior to occur.

Guidelines for Setting Boundaries

1. The purpose of setting a boundary is to take care of you,gain a sense of self, supply order, and allow feelings, thoughts and actions that are healthy. We need to be able to tell other people when they are acting in ways that are not acceptable to us.

2. When we have a sense of self, we'll be able to experience closeness and intimacy. We'll be able to love and to be loved in a healthy way. We will respect and love ourselves.

3. Set limits you can live with (DON'T SHOOT BLANKS) it is very important that you set consequences that you are willing to enforce.

4. Do not set boundaries to manipulate. (In a power struggle you both lose. Boundaries are not about power; boundaries are about safety and self-respect.)

5. There are many alternatives and options in setting boundaries.Some boundaries may be more rigid than others (i.e. physical, sexual abuse.)

6. Some people are afraid to set boundaries to take care of themselves because they fear abandonment. If you find you are unable to set boundaries and follow through, seek professional help for yourself. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Boundaries should be: Specific, Reasonable, Personal, Enforceable, Natural, Logical

Help To Stop Gambling

There should be NO: Threatening, Bluffing, Violence, Shouting,Judging, Moralizing

Types of Boundaries are: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual,Spiritual

'If you _______________ (the behavior)'
'I will (confront that behavior and share my feelings)'
'If you (continue that behavior), I will take care of myself

Examples of Boundaries:

How to stop gambling

1. If you verbally abuse me by calling me names like stupid, jerk,dumb, etc. I will (confront behavior and share my feelings.) If you continue to (behavior), I will take care of myself by leaving the room.

2. If you drink alcohol or use drugs in my presence, I will (confront the behavior and share my feelings.) If you continue to use, I will take care of myself by leaving or asking you to leave.


Setting boundaries means that we are taking responsibility, being adult and demanding equality and respect in relationship. Setting boundaries reflects our right to say NO to those things that aren't right for us. Setting boundaries is about learning to take care of ourselves, no matter what happens, where we go or whom we're with.Boundaries emerge from a deep sense of our personal rights;especially the right to be ourselves and take care of ourselves.Boundaries emerge as we learn to VALUE TRUST and LISTEN to ourselves.
Boundaries emerge from a belief that what we want, need, like and dislike is important. Boundaries emerge from deep decisions about what we believe we deserve and don't deserve.


Anger, rage, complaining, whining, and feeling threatened, 'suffocated' or victimized are clues to boundaries you need to set.

When you identify a need to set a boundary or a limit with someone, do it clearly, preferably without anger and in as few words as possible.

You cannot simultaneously set a limit with someone and take care of their feelings--they may be hurt, angry or disappointed with you.

You'll probably be ashamed and afraid when you set boundaries.Be prepared to follow through by acting in congruence with the boundaries you set.
You'll be tested when you set boundaries.
Some people are happy to respect your boundaries.
A support system can be helpful as you strive to establish and enforce boundaries.
You'll set boundaries when you are ready and not a minute sooner. There's a satisfying side to setting boundaries--it feels good.


Telling all.
Talking at an intimate level at the first encounter with someone.
Falling in love with anyone who reaches out.
Being overwhelmed with a person - preoccupied.
Acting on the first sexual impulse.
Being sexual for your partner, not yourself.
Going against personal values to please others.
Not noticing when someone else displays inappropriate/invades your boundaries

Stop Gambling Affirmations For Men

Accepting food, gifts, touch, or sex that you don't want. Touching intimately without asking.
Taking as much as you can get for the sake of getting.
Giving as much as you can give for the sake of giving.
Allowing someone to take as much as they can from you.
Letting others direct your life.
Letting others define you.
Believing others can anticipate your needs.
Expecting others to fill your needs automatically
Falling apart so someone will take care of you.
Self-abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, food and chemical abuse..GAMBLING!!!!! Abuse.


ASK DIRECTLY FOR WHAT YOU WANT. This shows who you are to others.


NURTURE YOURSELF AND YOUR INTEGRITY. This creates an inner, intuitive sense that lets you know when a relationship has become hurtful, abusive or invasive.

BE OBJECTIVE ABOUT OTHERS' BEHAVIOR TOWARD YOU without getting caught in their drama.

MAINTAIN A BOTTOM LINE - a limit to how many times you allow someone to say no, lie, disappoint, or betray you before you will admit the painful reality and move on.

CHANGE THE LOCUS OF TRUST FROM OTHERS TO YOURSELF. Don't put yourself in someone else's hands or expect infallibility. Trust that you can allow others to be normally human and still have satisfying intimacy.


There are conditions, which I will place upon my willingness to enter into or remain in any relationship. I do this not only for my protection, but also for the real benefit of the other person.

I would rather be alone than be in a relationship, which undermines my good feelings about myself.
I will not give love to someone who cannot or will not give love to me. I will not make excuses for anyone, or accept excuses from anyone for his or her in considerations of my real needs. I will not give love to someone who has no love for him or herself.
I accept, with no exceptions, that I am worthy to give and receive love, respect, and acceptance.
I have love and respect for myself regardless of what anyone says about me.
I would enjoy and appreciate the love, acceptance and respect of every person, but I do not need it to have self-love and self-respect.
I have feelings and accept that both the positive and negative feelings are real and need honest, healthy expression. I am responsible in the expression of my feelings. I trust my feelings and have the ability to act upon them in an adult manner.
I will not enter into relationships that do not meet my healthy needs.
I will not expect others to be aware of my needs. It is my responsibility to communicate my needs to others.
I am willing to accept the consequences of my actions. I will not lay blame for my own shortcomings upon another person. I can accept that my feelings are one-sided and I am willing to accept that you have the right to reject me for you own reasons.
I am willing to listen to your opinions of me, but I will not allow a lifetime of effort to build myself into a healthy person to be invalidated by your opinions.


Nobody has the right to know my mind or my business or to tell me what to think, what to feel or what to do.
I have a right to my own thoughts, feelings, values and beliefs. What I share with others about matters that concern me is determined by what feels right to me, not what they want. If people are abusive or disrespectful to me, I have a right to tell
them so, to ask them to stop and to avoid them.
I don't have to be nice to people who are not nice to me. I have a need and right to love myself, respect myself and to stand up for myself.
I always have a right to express what I feel and think for myself, as long, as I don't try to tell others what's right for them. I have a right to be who I am and to harmlessly live my own life regardless of whether others don't like it. I don't have to feel guilty for not behaving, as others might want me
to or for not giving others what they expect from me.
I accept myself just as I am in the moment with whatever thoughts and feelings I have.
I accept my right to make mistakes--otherwise I couldn't learn and grow.
I accept my right to my imperfection and shortcomings and don't feel guilty for not being perfect.
I believe that no matter what, I am a divine child of God who is loved, forgiven, safe and destined to God's eternal life and blessings.
I believe that we should do unto others, as we would have them do unto us--to be treated with love and respect.
I believe that if I am true to myself and live by the highest truth I know, that things will turn out for the best in the long run.


Did you get this info from the book Boundaries? I haven't read it in a long time but I was an excellent book... as you know I had to weed through the religious parts... but the bottomline was fabulous. Really good book
Thanks for reminding me


Stop Gambling Affirmations On Relationships

Hey Terri,

Im sure it came from a book, dont know which one, it was a pamphlet that was given to us when I was a patient at Core. One of many extra info. sheets we received from our counselors there. There was no info written anywhere on the 3 pg pamphlet other than what I have posted here.. I looked to see if it had any credits on it as to who published it, but it does not. I wish I could answer your question, but I looked again and nothing telling me where this information originated from.. but I know I trusted it, as I got it thru Core and It has helped me tremendously. Im glad you took from it what helped you and left the rest Even tho I might not agree with everything I read.. 9 times out of 10 I usually always get something from everything I do read. Thanks for your support, hugs, lilaud