Altium Plated Slots
- Altium Plated Slots Games
- Altium Plated Slots Game
- Altium Plated Slots Coins
- Altium Plated Slots Machine
Plated and Non-Plated Slots and Cutouts
About this tutorial
Altium Plated Slots Games
This is best shown with a Drill Table and produced with an NC Drill File. (Check hole sizes with Panels/PCB/Hole Size Editor.) Number of different hole sizes. These should be in increments of 2 mils (0.05mm) for consistent, cost effective results. Definitions for Plated, Non-Plated, and depth (Blind, Buried, and back drilled. Best Practices for Plated Slots We see a lot of different footprints and component types for PCB Assembly at Bittele Electronics. A majority of through-hole part footprints are designed with circular holes to accommodate circular or square leads.
This tutorial shows you the capabilities and what you need to do to achieve elongated holes, plated and non-plated slots and cutouts.
Altium Plated Slots Game
Altium Plated Slots Coins
- For Plated Slots a maximum length of 15.0mm (5/8 Inch) and tool diameter of 0.7mm (0.027in) to 2.5mm (0.098in)
- Non-Plated Slots have the same parameters as plated slots, except when they exceed the maximum length, then make sure they can be milled
- For Inner Millings, i.e. cutouts, use at least 1.8mm (0,07in) diameter and always confirm with our Board Viewer
Plated Slots
Plated Hole Size - the number of pads and vias for each hole size of this type. Non-Plated Slot Size - the number of pads for each slot size of this type. Plated Slot Size - the number of pads for each slot size of this type. A plated hole is lined with copper; an unplated hole is not. For example, clearance holes for mounting screws or standoffs might be specified as unplated, whereas holes for through-hole components are always plated. Plating the walls of the hole ensures electrical contact with inner layer traces that must connect to the pad. Plated Slots We support plated slots with a length of up to 15.0mm (5/8 Inch) and a width (or tool diameter) of 0.7mm (0.027in) to 2.8mm (0.11in). Typical use case of plated slots. As we give a gurantee on our renderings you should always use the Board Viewer to check if plated slots are detected properly.
We support plated slots with a length of up to 15.0mm (5/8 Inch) and a width (or tool diameter) of 0.7mm (0.027in) to 2.8mm (0.11in).
Typical use case of plated slots.
As we give a gurantee on our renderings you should always use the Board Viewer to check if plated slots are detected properly. Use the 'Highlight Drills' Button for this.
Enable drill highlight
This plated slot will be manufactured properly, shown by the orange color.
Eagle Users should always check if a slot was detected as plated or non-plated slot.
Altium Plated Slots Machine
Non-Plated Slots
Non-Plated slots have the same minimum size as plated slots of 0.7mm (0.027in) and maximum length of 15.0mm (5/8 Inch). Please note, if the slot is longer it may be milled but in this case its diameter must be above 1.8mm (0,07in). Use the Board Viewer to check how your slot will be manufactured.
'Milling Path' used to display milling of non-plated slot. In this case on a Raspberry Pi Hat.

Non-Plated slot highlighted in blue color.
Same slot as shown above.
Cutouts will always be milled and may have any shape you like. A milling tool with 1.8mm (0,07in) will be used, because of this all cutouts need to have at least this size.
Cutout with milling path highlighted.